‘Prisoners of conscience – someone who has not used or advocated violence or hatred in the circumstances leading to their imprisonment but is imprisoned solely because of who they are (sexual orientation, ethnic, national or social origin, language, birth, colour, sex or economic status) or what they believe (religious, political or other conscientiously held beliefs).’ Amnesty International

Interlacing physical theatre, film & foley, Six by Eight dives into the brutal reality of a queer prisoner for which imagination is the only immediate escape.

The development of this project started in December 2023 during a two weeks residency at Pavillon K , centre of performing arts in Vordingborg (Denmark) between Amy Dyduch and myself. I will carry on developing this piece from January 2024 onwards in the U.K. and Denmark with the support of Chisenhale Dance Space and Hangar People.

With the support of